Hearing evaluation (children and adults)

Audiogram test

This examination is being performed with a specific instrument called audiometer in a properly prepared chamber.

During the examination the patient is given specific sounds of different intensity and frequency and is asked to give a positive response in each sound. The responses are being recorded and by the end of the examination we can be aware of the hearing capacity of the patient.

It is an objective examination crucially essential in a variety of symptoms, such as tinnitus, sudden or chronic hearing loss, dizziness and vertigo and so on.

The examination can be performed in adults and children older than 5 years old (for younger children we use different methods)

Tympanogram test- Auditory reflex

Tympanometry is an examination focused on the evaluation of the movement of the tympanic membrane due to air pressure. It is an examination that-especially in children– can reveal specific pathologies, such as the presence of fluid in the middle ear (otitis media) and other.

Likewise the auditory reflex that is being measured with the same device gives us an amount of information about existing lesions of the auditory pathway.

Both examinations are performed within seconds in both adults and children and co-evaluated with the rest of the patient’s examination (otoscopy, audiogram etc).